Please feel free to get in touch for requests and collaborations or if you would like to buy a print, as well as if you have any questions, or want to give feedback.
christiane wöhler
karl-heine-strasse. 26a
04229 leipzig
tel. +49 (0)1738908773
mail. info (at)
short résumé.
Christiane Wöhler studied art and design with a focus on photography at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
Christiane’s artistic focus exposes hidden and unconscious structures. Her photographs lead the viewer to jump into an individual narrative.
zeit magazin. die zeit. s. fischer verlage. vice. nido. stern extra. sz magazin. süddeutsche zeitung. sz familie. geo. geo wissen. eltern. stern gesund leben. monopol. anders handeln. das magazin / switzerland. sleek. achtung mode. sepp. netzwerk gesunde kinder. bund. kulturaustausch. medisana. hessnatur.
Duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation of the content and works published on this website require the prior written consent of Christiane Wöhler. All rights are reserved. The use of published postal address, telephone number and email address for marketing purposes is prohibited.
Jegliche Vervielfältigung oder Weiterverbreitung der Inhalte dieser Webseite als Ganzes oder in Teilen bedarf der Zustimmung von Christiane Wöhler.